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Farm Diversification - Making the most of your land and buildings

Many existing agricultural buildings and rural buildings would be able to gain permission through a process referred to as a 'prior notification' application, which is much more simpler than obtaining planning permission. This can be for a range of different uses including new homes, business or commercial uses and educational uses. There is set criteria for each building and we can advise on this.

If a new building is required or the existing buildings would not meet the requirements for the prior notification process then going through the planning process may be the best way to achieve farm diversification projects or looking at making good use of your land or buildings. Such projects could include tourism related developments, leisure, recreation, education, farm shops, restaurants and cafes or a combination. We also look at sites in terms of energy projects, such as generation of energy through wind, solar or biofuel projects, which can also be highly lucrative. We have also dealt with projects to create self-storage or caravan storage. For individuals and businesses looking to embark on a rural project or farm diversification project, it is essential to engage with experts who specialize in planning applications for rural projects like us. Companies like Meadows, with their expertise and experience in rural and agricultural projects, can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the process. They can help navigate the complexities of the planning system, ensure compliance with regulations, and maximize the potential of the project.

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